The Moon Won’t Talk
vvThe Moon Won’t Talk
Text & Musik
Helen Bliss & Charlie Hathaway
The song information, presented in English, has been translated from the original German text and follows below.
Main Event Infos
- Geschichte
- Übersetzung
- Diskographie
"The Moon Won't Talk" ist ein Lied, das von Helen Bliss (Text) und Charlie Hathaway (Musik) geschrieben wurde. Frank Sinatra sang das Lied mit Tommy Dorsey und seinem Orchester dreimal im Radio: Am 01.02.1941, am 11.02.1941 und in Fame and Fortune am 27.03.1941. Diese Aufnahme wurde 2004 auf der CD "Young Blue Eyes – Birth Of The Crooner" veröffentlicht.
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event
Main Event Infos (English version)
"The Moon Won't Talk" is a musical piece crafted by Helen Bliss (lyrics) and Charlie Hathaway (music). Frank Sinatra, accompanied by Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra, performed this song on the radio on three separate occasions: February 1, 1941, February 11, 1941, and during the "Fame and Fortune" show on March 27, 1941. This recording was later made accessible to the public in 2004 through the CD titled "Young Blue Eyes – Birth Of The Crooner".
© Andreas Kroniger, Sinatra - The Main Event